CHIMAR is an innovating R&D SME, which develops and provides competitive chemical technology, R&D as well as engineering services for the industrial production of adhesives and chemicals and for their application in the industrial manufacture of wood-based panels (or composite wood panels), products used mainly in furniture making and building construction.
CHIMAR serves industries all around the world having an international experience of over 40 years. Its technology has been applied via licensing agreements in numerous industrial plants in more than 40 countries and is protected via patent families and trade-secrets. The wood-based panels produced each year using CHIMAR technology and services account for over 10% of the global wood panel production.
CHIMAR has long expertise in the industrial research and development of products and technologies for the resin and wood-based panel industries. It undertakes and implements R&D projects in collaboration with established research and industrial organizations and participates in knowledge networks.
CHIMAR R&D focuses on the development of environmentally-friendly products and technologies, aiming at providing safe products for humanity and promoting the sustainability of its industry field. CHIMAR technologies meet the most stringent requirements worldwide. It is a pioneer in the development of bio-based adhesive systems derived from renewable biomass resources, lignocellulosic materials and wastes. It has also important R&D expertise in developing new composite panels by making efficient use of more rapidly renewable, alternative-to-wood plant materials, renewable crops and fibres from agricultural/agro-industrial waste. The focus of CHIMAR on sustainable industrial technologies together with its important R&D expertise in renewable adhesives and composites from agricultural materials, make it a key contributor in achieving the objectives of the proposed project.